Drama Movies in Martinique
Checkout Drama Movies from Martinique with us, by clicking on each movie you can see other details like movie releasing date in Martinique, Drama movie actors in Martinique, Drama movie trailors, videos released in Martinique and much more exclusively on bollyviews.com from Martinique.
Drama Movies from Martinique
Passage du milieu
A realistic look at the horrors of the slave trade, told entirely through the voice of a dead African slave whose spirit haunts the ocean route....
French 2000 78 min Drama Movies from Martinique 2023-10-23
L'exil du roi Behanzin
Evocation of the ruthless war which opposed from 1890 to 1894 the French colonial army to the young Ahydjere Behanzin, king and living god of Dahomey, who ended in his surrender and his exile....
English 1994 86 min Drama Movies from Martinique 2023-07-13