Documentary Movies in Ecuador
Checkout Documentary Movies from Ecuador with us, by clicking on each movie you can see other details like movie releasing date in Ecuador, Documentary movie actors in Ecuador, Documentary movie trailors, videos released in Ecuador and much more exclusively on from Ecuador.
Documentary Movies from Ecuador
La gran Colombia
"La Gran Colombia, Then & Now" gathers shorts films from the countries which once were one; Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia. Through their juxtaposition the audience is lead to ......
Kuna, English, Spanish 2006 N/A Documentary Movies from Ecuador 2024-11-12
Hieleros de Cayambe, prueba de fortaleza en los Andes
Spanish 2006 30 min Documentary Movies from Ecuador 2024-11-13
Where the Poles Meet
English, French, Spanish 2004 54 min Documentary Movies from Ecuador 2024-02-02
Ecuador vs. el resto del mundo
November 7th, 2001. After a seventy years absence, the Ecuadorian national soccer team is close to qualifying for the first time to a Soccer World Cup. This documentary follows the events that took place during that historic date,......
Spanish 2004 54 min Documentary Movies from Ecuador 2024-10-17
Problemas personales
The lives of three Ecuadorian immigrants in Madrid during the year 2000....
Spanish 2002 72 min Documentary Movies from Ecuador 2024-01-26
Allpamanta, causaymanta, jatarishun (Por la tierra, por la vida, levantémonos)
Spanish 1992 47 min Documentary Movies from Ecuador 2024-03-24